
Sunday, March 10, 2013

21 day Detox - Two weeks down!

Hard to believe I stuck with it this long but I did! I just have a few notes on my progress.

1. Tracy said I would feel great by day 15. It was sooner than that. I have had mental clarity, energy and a great mood for the last several days. I have also been really motivated in the gym and feel like I have more stamina.

2. The colonics are a MUST - for me its been tough to drink enough water, take enough magnesium or mild laxative herbs to really get my colon cleaned out. If you do this and you don't want to get backed up with all the fiber, I highly suggest colon hydrotherapy.

3. If you are not a vegetarian or a chef, finding ways to keep the food interesting may be a little tough as well. I found myself getting really bored with smoothies and stirfry. I found a great show on PBS Christina Cooks - and her website as well with really good looking recipes. And she explains the benefits of the food choices on the show too.

4. I have added some nuts to the menu and ate 3 tacos for dinner one night. Aside from that I've stuck fairly close to the foods prescribed by the program. I also had not mentioned previously the supplements I'm taking and I highly suggest. This may be part of the reason I'm feeling so good. I will add links to each specific product I'm using but you could choose your own.

 Also for pre and post workout, AAKG powder and L-Glutamine powder.

I know this may seem like a lot of supplements. Ok it is.  But there are specific reasons for each one . Interestingly I have not taken a regular multivitamin during this time. But I do use greens powders in my smoothies.
I'm not trying to lose 20 as some people can but I have lost some and will post the total on day 21.

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