Matthew 17:18-20
19Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, "Why could we not cast it out?" 20He said to them, "Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you."
I always wondered what this portion of scripture really meant and today I finally found out. As I grow stronger daily in my faith and trust in God, I see others struggle in life the way I used to. I do my best to encourage them and recently have come to understand the power of continual prayer (Zero Limits by Joe Vitale). (Romans 12:12)
I used to ask myself how something as small as a mustard seed could possibly move mountains - surely, I thought, this must be an exaggeration, as the power of faith, tho great, takes a lot of work and years of practice. Boy was I wrong!
My friend recently relocated and having moved with practically nothing but the clothes on his back, was struggling with worry & doubt about how to make it in his new location. Many times I offered words of encouragement, thoughts on how positive thought/feeling (prayer) will bring about desired results, and suggestions as to what to do. With his faith being not as strong as mine, it was difficult for him to buy into the idea that prayer changes things but with a literal musardseed of faith, he moved on my suggestions. And to his utter astonishment and to my expectation, EVERYTHING he needed fell right into place. Within 4 days of hitting the tarmac he had a new, fully furnished apartment (most of the furniture & household needs given to him by kindhearted folks WITHOUT HAVING TO ASK!) just across the road from his son's school, two (yes 2) good paying jobs, the local transit to and from work practically at the doorstep, money in the bank and far fewer expenses than anticipated!
God is so good! And it feels so good to finally understand how faith really works! Imagine how much more we can do through faith as it grows!
This is really encouraging.My fiance and i are going through a really hard time but i choose to trust and have faith in God. I know he will make a way even though it seems like there is none now. I am encouraged.Please keep us in your prayers.GBU
ReplyDeleteI just re-read this post and saw the comment. I'm glad you were encouraged and hope your prayers were answered.