I love it when I receive validation in my learning. When I discover a new truth and then it shows up again and again in different ways - that feels good & I know I'm on the right path.
I started reading Infinite Self by Stuart Wilde last night. It reminded me of the books by Eckhart Tolle & Wayne Dyer in particular with some real humor thrown in. The idea that struck me ( again a reminder as the knowledge is already in me) is the difference between working hard - toiling away and struggling for freedom (financial or otherwise) - vs the freedom that comes from being open to who I am in spirit, allowing the Grace of God to guide me to where I want and need to be and finding joy & abundance there.
It takes me back to my reading of scripture in Ecclesiastes where Solomon talks about the vanity of works and the vexation of the spirit.
I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit. Passage Ecclesiastes 1:14:I got up this morning and sat down with my coffee to watch a little TV. I turned to Joyce Meyer - my favorite TV preacher - and points in her message were almost identical to what I had read last night. All about the freedom & joy that comes from allowing the Holy Spirit vs working hard in our "flesh" to gain things or MAKE things happen. She hits the nail on the head at 10 min into the message.
Heres her message.Enjoy!