We're finally doing it!
David & I are on a fitness mission. Well at least I am. He will have to experience how much better he feels in order to really buy in but I think it's already working.
I started him on a vitamin regimen of products from
Advocare. After basketball practice last night and a couple of
Catalyst he expressed a desire to get up early and go for a jog. My son...the one who I have to drag out of bed...go JOGGING...in the morning...???
Well it was a late night and getting up early didn't happen. He's fighting a cold and tired too but I gave him his
Spark, Catalyst, and
Pro-biotic Restore upon rising. Then 30 min later I gave him
Coreplex, Calcium plus and OmegaPlex with breakfast. He was practically skipping out the door to school by 8am!
I am encouraged by just the first full days results with the products and will be getting David into the gym with a personal trainer soon, thanks to Ryan at
the Tri City Court Club!