
Friday, September 25, 2015

Creating True Abundance...not that fake stuff

In 2011 I was at a major crossroads in my life. I was working myself to death operating my own beauty supply and salon, unfit, unhealthy and generally unhappy. Even though I had been reaching for something more satisfying, I felt stuck. Then I had an epiphany that my suffering was self imposed. I already knew about the law of attraction and realized I could make a change. Still, it took me a few years to really contemplate just how LOA was working in my life and to accept that my thoughts and feelings were responsible for my experience. 

If you can relate to this, keep reading...:-) 

I managed to manifest some significant changes over the next 2 years. I went from not having a car to having a brand new Jetta, from living in a two bedroom apartment to a lovely home with an amazing view.

I gained new friends who live with similar life philosophies and who love me unconditionally and have had the ability to really get in tune with who I am and what I can be, do, and have without the pressures of daily life most people endure (that I had been struggling with previously). And I can attribute all this to the changes I made internally, getting more in tune with what I call God, the Creator, my source of unconditional love that is all within me. 

So why am I telling you all this? Because if you are like me, you're ready to manifest all the abundance you deserve and I want to share with you what I've discovered... Just one way to create material abundance while having fun with other, like minded people. 

If you are excited and intrigued by how people make money online, you've tried various things that didn't work for you but you feel or wish somehow there was an easier way to learn, grow and prosper online, then this is definitely for you. Take a look at this and feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions.

Here's to manifesting your abundance!

All content on this site including health and wellness related content is completely my opinion. As frequently as possible I will provide references for any information relevant to health and wellness statements. Be Well, Crystal