
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What I'm learning, reading & watching...

I've been doin a lot more reading lately. I'm seeking and learning about what's really important. I still say feeling good . So my question has been how to do it consistently. I have to say I am getting it. In addition to the books I'm reading I watched a really good message on Enjoying Everyday Live this morning with Joyce Meyer. It was called The Secret to Freedom. I really got a lot out of that one so thanks Joyce for being obedient to God's calling!

Check it out here

Forget Barnes & Noble and Borders - the library is my favorite bookstore...! These are the books on my night stand - & yes I am reading them all...;-) I have gotten a lot out of each of these books. I do recommend each one.

Cell-level healing : the bridge from soul to cell -Joyce Hawkes
Inner wisdom : meditations for the heart and soul - Louise Hay
The power is within you - Louise Hay
You can heal your life - Louise Hay
Inspiration : your ultimate calling - Wayne Dyer
Leverage your best, ditch the rest : the coaching secrets top executives depend on -Blancha
Life without limits : clarify what you want, redefine your dreams, become the person you want to be - Lucinda Bassett
Manifest your destiny : the nine spiritual principles for getting everything you want - Wayne Dyer

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